Relationship Talks
The talks described on this page offer an eye-opening look at a variety of important subjects for all who want to succeed in love. Each of these topics can be presented in a talk ranging from less than 20 minutes (“TED-style”) to a talk of 60 minutes in length. They are ideal for gatherings of people who want to learn more about human connection and how we can build and maintain healthy close relationships.
Falling in Love is Like Smoking Crack Cocaine
Explosive feelings of attraction are sometimes thought to be the mark of “true love.” In fact, science shows that what we are really experiencing is a form of addiction. This workshop will reveal why “smoking crack cocaine” makes a good comparison for the experience of falling in love. Past attendees of this talk commonly give feedback that this information has fundamentally changed the way they see relationships and has equipped them to make much better choices going forward.The Dating Practices of Very Happily Married People
The rate of divorce in America is 50% for first marriages. This does not mean that you have a 50% chance of divorce. Your odds might be much higher - or lower – than 50% depending on a number of key factors.What can we learn from a massive sample of women who have a 6% divorce rate? This talk describes results of the Lifestyle Poll and draws from several of my most popular articles which have each been read by several hundred thousand people.
How to Become Your Partner’s Soulmate
This talk presents and explores these three truths:- Soulmates as most of us think of the term do not exist.
- People who love each other dearly for a lifetime were never soulmates to begin with.
- It is possible however to become your partner’s soulmate.
Six Ways to Have your Partner’s Back
Learning to love well is a skill that can be developed with insight and practice. This presentation focuses on 6 of the best ideas for how to love your partner in a way that will make you irreplaceable and precious to him or her.This offering is geared towards committed couples, but anyone with an interest in learning how to sustain a healthy long-term committed relationship can benefit.
The Life Story of Successful Relationships, in 3 phases
Think about the happiest long-term couple you know. Like all similarly satisfied couples, they went through three distinct relationship phases. This talk provides an over-arching model for the development of successful relationships, identifying key hallmarks of each phase. I will also de-bunk the notion of “soulmates” while describing how two partners can become each other’s “one in a billion” perfect match. This is a mentally stimulating talk that gives a birds-eye view on the life course of happy marriageThe Psychology of Affairs
This talk explores:- Fascinating research to explain why happily married partners cheat,
- What must happen for a couple to repair a relationship after infidelity has occurred, and
- What can be done to lower the potential risk of infidelity in committed relationships (which research suggests most people are not doing).